Yangyang will turn 2 in a few days time. I can still remember the time when he came to me as a tiny weeny puppy at 3 months old and weighing only 700 grams. He is a brave boy, and did not even whine once during his first night with us at home without his biological mommy and 2 other siblings.
He was the cheekiest among his litter and the most playful one (well, he still is). Slowly, i learn more about his character, he loves being rocked to sleep in my arms and loves to cuddle. I wake up everyday with a stiff shoulder as my shoulder serve as a pillow to him. His daddy wakes up with a stiff back sometimes when our baby boy decide to change his position on the bed.
I looked forward going home everyday after work as i know the lil rascal will be standing by the door waiting for my arrival and will insist i pick him up and kiss him before he trots to his waiting toys.
He is forever there when i need someone to talk to,a hug or a kiss. I love you Yangyang baby, thank you for coming into my life, without you it would be incomplete. Happy 2nd Birthday!

happy advanced barkday, Yang Yang!
we've got an award for you. please do come check it out!
Thank you Patches and Zen Zen!
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