Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Clubpets Cover Contest so far!

Hello doggies and friends! Long time no see as we were very busy lately!

Any one here took part in the Clubpets Cover Dog Contest? Loads of my friends like Sweety, Lion, Camry, Benny, Chevro, Bear, Bruno, Kimmie, Teddy, Mei Mei had already submitted their entries! And they all looked so good! I wonder who will take over from me as the cover dog this year!
Mommy: Hiak Hiak !

The entries : http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/themenatwork/2ndCLUBPETSMAGAZINECOVERDOGCONTEST2008

So who do you think will win?

Anyway if you are keen to participate in this contest, please ask your Mommy or Daddy to call Unker Lundy at 9180 3227 to make an appointment before 23rd April 2008!


1 comment:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I hope Sweety wins the contest. Yeah

~ Girl girl